The find, follow, connect, share quest was the most difficult one for me. I really struggle with finding time to sit down and participate in a twitter chat or host something in tweet deck, but it was done. What I enjoyed most is the google+ community. I 100% believe the reason that I like this more than a twitter chat is because it does not require me to be at my computer during a specific time. Now, I know what you are don't exactly have to be at your computer at a specific time because you can just use the specific # of the twitter chat and go read the conversations. Well that is true, but out of m comfort zone. Which is another reason I like the google+ better. I have never been a twitter fan. I value the website and I get great information off of it. It is a great tool and I recommend it to anyone who is really into getting into social networks. I on the other hand surprisingly would call myself an introvert pertaining to social media. I have a Facebook and I have a twitter, but I do not use them. In face to face meeting the word introvert and Megan Laxton does not fit into a sentence together because I love to talk, but when it comes to learning, I am one who likes to just sit and take it all in. I am not naive though, I know that I cannot play the back row baptist long or I will not learn, so I do have to step up to the front sometimes and that is what the assignment forced me to do.
Twitter - Like I said before, I like twitter. Great resources and I love that many different people can share and post from all over the world at the same time. I also like that a person is limited to 140 characters. It makes me think of poetry. When someone writes poems, that choose specific words to correlate a specific meaning, and when a person has only 140 characters to say something, they better choose their words specifically also! Puns are used and most importantly, people are not using it as a soap box! It is very much about getting to the point and getting the main messages across! The really only problem that I had while in the chat was that I felt that I would get behind because someone would post a response to a specific statement someone made and I would still be focusing on the first statement and get behind or so it seemed. The pace of the conversations went a little fast for me, but do I contribute that to my lack of twitter usage or I actually was getting caught up and left behind. With that being said, I would have to spend extra time going back and review what all was said so I could catch myself up. I would usually do that after the chat so I didn't get lost again.
Google+ This is my comfort zone. I like to go on here very late at night or super early in the morning and read blogs, links to great articles, even resources people have posted about! Do I feel that google+ community provides better resources, no! I think twitter and google+ are about the same, it is simply that google+ fits my lifestyle better, right now anyways! I do not have to follow a specific pattern or conversation to know what is going on. Google+ reminds me of Pinterest in a way. I follow who I want. I look at what post I want and I can keep on scrolling to find more and more out! It's great!
I really hope to continue with twitter to get a better hold on it and to use it for more purposeful resources to grow professionally. It is just going to take some time. Below I posted some screen shots of people that I follow, as well as a video of my google+ community. After each course that I have taken, I will add my fellow students and professors to my community to continue to grow and learn!
Google Plus Video
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